Saturday, March 17, 2007

Hairstyles For A Graduation

Windows Vista, a danger to your freedom!

VISTA poses serious problems in terms of freedom 'and user interoperability' between the various systems.

It 'just that the less they have knowledge of computerized to avoid the purchase then falls unconscious on themselves and all others.

touted as innovative and revolutionary, along with some nice effect graphics and functionality 'better security, it also includes numerous restrictions on the user!

restrictions that Microsoft, Print & Merchants will try to keep hidden as much 'as possible.

Have you ever heard of that Trusted Computing TC also? Palladium? DRM? Anticipation

are the current DRM technologies that will prevent you from copying audio CDs or DVDs, but also to see them or watch them on a different pc on all players.

and Microsoft DRM allows media companies to:

- Decide which programs you can use on your computer or not

- Decide what features of your software compuuter or you can use at any time

- forced to install new programs even if you do not want (and, of course, paying for the privilege)

- Limit your access to certain programs and data files even your

You try to do qualosa and your computer tells you that you can not.

To make this possible, your computer must constantly monitor what you're doing.

This control uses computing power and memory and is basically the reason why Microsoft invites you to purchase new hardware and higher performance to run Vista.

want you to buy new hardware not because you need it, but because your computer needs to be more efficient in limiting what you can do.

Because they are designed to ensure that your computer stops trusting you and start to trust Microsoft. 21


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