Saturday, November 27, 2010

Russians Feel Nothing

steamships Finnish

I found the website of the Finnish Association steamers, there are many pictures of beautiful lake boats start 900 Votes hull very similar to the Mincio (ah is registered as the Mincio Mincio because the name has been hijacked by Navigazione Laghi in a period where it was struck from the record). I do not feel, however, to change the letters on the sides, there are 106 years written Mincio, there I'll add.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Windows Live, Won't Recognise Cam

Materials painting

I decided the painting cycle to be carried out.
Opera alive: Fund Interprotect five hands, two hands antifouling Unipro
topsides: Fund Interprotect four hands, finishing Perfection Undercoat two hands, two hands Perfection

The hull will experience a blast, I must also buy the sander.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Deep Fried Shrimp Calories

winter break

Unfortunately, after several postponements due to bad weather to lift, now the cold is coming and it was necessary to shift the work in early spring, in the second half of February . The processing times are estimated in a month and will cover the blasting of the hull, the recovery of any metal worn, replace the main propeller, the propeller assembly of maneuver, the painting of the hull. It follows that the painting would be done in full December when temperatures are below the allowable range for the various products. then I find myself stuck for a couple of months and I pay a couple of months of occupation of public property for nothing also causing inconvenience to the area granted. But in February even though the temperatures were not enough just best to wait a couple of weeks in March and certainly the climate would be beneficial .
In the meantime I will continue the selection and procurement of various materials needed, which is already difficult in itself.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bunny Wont Let Me Pet Him

A bell tower, a country

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Are Dental Cysts Cancerous

new rope

After the storm of 25/10/10 I have tried several manufacturers of rope and I finally ordered from Eurofuni 220 m. (Minimum of one skein) to eight strands of rope in blue fibratessile diameter 40 mm. The reach of 28,400 kg at a price of € 3 per kg.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Used Lg Washer And Dryer For Sale


In principle, the steamer Mincio was a tug boats and barges for transporting goods of all kinds from the docks along the railway Channel Mercantile Peschiera del Garda and from the docks of the port railway station of Desenzano. There was no road along the lake and then the Garda hinterland connections were very difficult and the most economical and fastest way to transport goods and passengers was the lake navigation.
In this picture we see the beginning of '900 tug Mincio in conformation with the structure supporting the cable towing the middle of the deck at the stern. In fact, the barges were attached to the sides and transported in this way along the banks of the lake without depending on the variability of wind as had always happened in the past when we knew when we left but not when he would return home. The sides of the Mincio
bear the marks of this constant friction with the barges and transport have been distorted from their original lines.